A metal button that says "FREE DESSIE WOODS" and "FIGHT RAPE & RACISM" with a drawing of a Black woman in the center.

Spotlight on CSW Research: Feminist Anti-Carceral Studies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nTMVPhno5k Since 1984, the…

Mimi Kim as Keynote Panelist at Thinking Gender 2020

By Bri-Ann Hernandez, 2020 Thinking Gender Coordinator The…

Emily Thuma as Keynote Panelist at Thinking Gender 2020

By Bri-Ann Henrandez, 2020 Thinking Gender Coordinator The…

Mariame Kaba to Deliver Keynote at Thinking Gender 2020

By Bri-Ann Hernandez, Thinking Gender 2020 Coordinator The…

Connections Between the “Prison Nation” and Campus Sexual Violence

by Nadeeka Karunaratne This past February I had the opportunity…
21 UCLA Students gather with Professor Beth Richie in a UCLA classroom.

What About Them: Gender-Based Violence and Prison Abolition

  By Anthony James Williams Dr. Beth Richie led…

Thinking Gender 2020: Call for Proposals

Thinking Gender 2020 Sexual Violence as Structural Violence:…

Thinking Gender: Feminists Confronting the Carceral State, with reflection and gratitude

By Kali Tambreé On February 22, 2019, the Center for…

Alisa Bierria: Advocating for transformation and repair

By Kali Tambreé, 2019 Thinking Gender Coordinator Thinking…