Diary of a Sundance Gate Crasher

By Tyrrell Shaffner UCLA MFA student and film director,…

Abortion AF: Introducing Abortion Access Front’s Comedy-based Health Intervention

By Amy E. Alterman Acknowledgement: For Abortion Access…
Cartoon with 4 people at a table talking.

On Student-Centered Feminist Writing Spaces

By Zizi Li In late October 2019, I brought my paper “Transnational…

Mask-ulinity and Feminicide: Argentine Collective Activism During Covid-19

By Madison Felman-Panagotacos During the ongoing pandemic,…
Photo of Ellen Gallagher's Watery Ecstatic at a Los Angeles exhibition.

A Series of Reflections on Rupture

By Kali Tambreé I step into the glass passage where air conditioning…
Illustration by Chiara Vercesi of a large Black woman sitting in a thoughtful position as a measuring tape curls around her

Reducing Stigma Toward Black Women Who Vary in Body Size

by Jessica Shropshire Photo credit: Chiara Vercesi for Scientific…

The Real Suburbs: Unpacking Distortions and Truths about America’s Suburbs

By Becky Nicolaides In recent weeks, suburbia has become…

A Feminist Guide to the Feud

By Leor Perla Avramovich “Women & Women First”…

2020-2021 Faculty Award Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of CSW’s 2020-2021 Faculty…