Faculty Research Grants

**Updated – Both UCLA senate and non-senate faculty are eligible to apply. Please see additional criteria below.


The Center for the Study of Women|Streisand Center invites applications for this year’s faculty research grants to support partial summer salary, research and travel expenses, programming and events, equipment, GSRships, or a combination. An explicit connection to the study of feminism, gender, sexuality, and/or women is required.


Multiple grants, up to $6,000 each.


Friday, April 11, 2025

Apply Here


  • Applicants must be UCLA senate faculty or non-senate faculty (with an active UCLA appointment during the grant period). All others may inquire about eligibility (email rosa@women.ucla.edu).
  • Faculty are not eligible to receive a Faculty Research Grant within three years of their receipt of an earlier one
  • Recipients of the grant must agree to the following:
    • Submit a brief final report describing the project outcomes by May 2026
    • Acknowledge CSW|Streisand Center in all public informational materials and publications resulting from the grant
  • Recipients will be recognized at a future CSW|Streisand Center Awards Celebration. CSW|Streisand Center staff will coordinate your attendance accordingly.

To Apply

The application requires the following documents:

  1. Research Proposal (3 single-spaced page maximum description that includes the title and an explanation of the proposed research)
  2. Itemized Budget (use provided budget template)
  3. Curriculum Vitae

Only complete applications will be considered. CSW|Streisand Center must receive all required documents no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Friday, April 11, 2025.



For questions regarding CSW|Streisand Center awards, fellowships, and grants, please contact the Management Services Officer.

Past Recipients