Faculty Research Grants
**Updated – Both UCLA senate and non-senate faculty are eligible to apply. Please see additional criteria below.
The Center for the Study of Women|Streisand Center invites applications for this year’s faculty research grants to support partial summer salary, research and travel expenses, programming and events, equipment, GSRships, or a combination. An explicit connection to the study of feminism, gender, sexuality, and/or women is required.
Multiple grants, up to $6,000 each.
Friday, April 11, 2025
Apply Here
- Applicants must be UCLA senate faculty or non-senate faculty (with an active UCLA appointment during the grant period). All others may inquire about eligibility (email rosa@women.ucla.edu).
- Faculty are not eligible to receive a Faculty Research Grant within three years of their receipt of an earlier one
- Recipients of the grant must agree to the following:
- Submit a brief final report describing the project outcomes by May 2026
- Acknowledge CSW|Streisand Center in all public informational materials and publications resulting from the grant
- Recipients will be recognized at a future CSW|Streisand Center Awards Celebration. CSW|Streisand Center staff will coordinate your attendance accordingly.
To Apply
The application requires the following documents:
- Research Proposal (3 single-spaced page maximum description that includes the title and an explanation of the proposed research)
- Itemized Budget (use provided budget template)
- Curriculum Vitae
Only complete applications will be considered. CSW|Streisand Center must receive all required documents no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Friday, April 11, 2025.
For questions regarding CSW|Streisand Center awards, fellowships, and grants, please contact the Management Services Officer.
Past Recipients
Faculty Research Grants
- Genevieve Carpio, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, Beyond the Wheel: Historicizing Race, Gender, and Automotive Insurance in California
- Leigh-Michil George, English, Geffen Academy, Regency Noir: Romance, Race, and Jane Austen
- Ayasha Guerin, World Arts & Cultures/Dance, Working to Unmaster a Grammar for Land and Body: Black Feminist Approaches to Somatic Pedagogy
- Kristy Guevara Flanagan, Theater, Film, & Television, Taking the Reins, Documentary Feature
- Zeynep P. Korkman, Gender Studies, Refugees and Feminists: Affective Politics of Transnational Solidarity
- Cindy Anh Nguyen, Information Studies, Speaking Tradition & Gender: Repetitions of Care across Vietnamese Generations and Diaspora
- Carlos Santos, Social Welfare, A Participatory Action Study of the Wellbeing of LGBTQ+ Individuals in Southern Brazil Who Experience Multiple Forms of Marginalization Using an Intersectional Framework
- Jessica Schwartz, Musicology, Rising Voices: Building Intergenerational Bridges to Empower Women and Reduce Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the Marshallese Diaspora
- Wendy Sung, World Arts & Cultures/Dance, Violent Virality: Racial Violence and the Making of New Media
Faculty Research Grants
- Jennifer Wagman, Community Health Sciences, “A Qualitative Study of Survivors’ Experiences with and Recommendations for Improving Responses to Sexual Violence at UCLA”
- Purnima Mankekar, Anthropology, and Lieba Faier, Geography, “Recoding Affective Labor: Feminist Perspectives on Algorithmic Care Work”
- Tamara Levitz, Comparative Literature, “What if Zora Neale Hurston never studied with Franz Boas? Facing the Settler Colonial Legacy of North American Ethnomusicology”
- Ugo Edu, African American Studies, “Who Wants to Be Fat Again?”: Molding a Desirable Body in Nigeria”
- Alesia Montgomery, Institute of the Environment & Sustainability “Impacts of WaSH and REC on the Wellbeing of Mothers and Children in South Los Angeles”
- Floridalma Lopez Boj, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, “Return of the Maya: Conceptualizing Diaspora through the Experiences of Return”
- Tiffany Barber, Art History, “Undesirability and Her Sisters: Black Women’s Visual Work in the New Millennium”
- Luwei Ying, Political Science, “Sexism as a “Gateway Drug” into White Supremacist Movements”
- Courtney Tobin Thomas, Community Health Sciences, “Do Psychosocial Resources Confer Psychological or Physiological Resilience? A Latent Class Analysis of Psychosocial Resources, Depression, and Allostatic Load among Black Women”
- Giuseppina Silvestri, Linguistics, “Empowering migrant women through fair and sustainable language learning”
- Veronica Paredes, Film, Television and Digital Media, “Performing Pocha Belonging: Representations of Feminized U.S. Cultural Assimilation in Mexican Film of the 1970s and 80s”
- Ugo Edu, African American Studies, and Adeola Oni-Orisan, Anthropology, “Moment Mapping as Reparative Arts to Address Obstetric Racism in Labor & Delivery”
- Nina Eidsheim, School of Music, “No Conclusions“
- Molly Fox, Anthropology, “Impact of socio-cultural stressors on gestational physiology”
- Manufacturing Freedom: Elena Shih Book Talk | October 19, 2023
- Fly in Power Film Screening and Q&A | October 20, 2023
- Oral Histories of Environmental Illness (OHEI) Symposium | November 17-18, 2023
Faculty Research Grants
- Molly Fox, Anthropology, “Impact of socio-cultural stressors on gestational physiology and their associations with pregnancy complications in a cohort of Latinas”
- Jessica Gipson, Community Health Sciences, “Meeting the Needs of Abortion Refugees in Los Angeles in the Post-Roe Era”
Faculty Research Grants
- S. Michael Gaddis, Sociology, (Co-PI) Analyzing Gender Discrimination in Hiring Over Time Using Decades of Correspondence Audit Studies
- Gina Kim, Film, Television and Digital Media, The Extended Reality of Monkey House
- Lauren Lee McCarthy, Design Media Arts, Machine Unlearning: Surveillant Homes and the Intimacy of Automation
- Natasha Quadlin, Sociology, (PI) Analyzing Gender Discrimination in Hiring Over Time Using Decades of Correspondence Audit Studies
- Stephanie Bosch Santana, Comparative Literature, Reading in Motion: Form, Language, and Media in African Literary Cultures
- Dr. Tria Blu Wakpa, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, Settler Colonial and Decolonial Choreographies: Native American Embodiment in Educational and Carceral Contexts
Faculty Research Grants
- Cesar Favila, Musicology, Immaculate Sounds: The Musical Lives of Nuns in New Spain
- Jana Gallus, Management, Addressing the gender gap in STEM: How to mitigate self-stereotyping with recognition incentives
- Kevan Harris, Sociology, Assessing Informal Economic Activities among Women with the Iran Social Survey
- Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Psychiatry, Improving Outcomes for Homeless-Experienced Mothers with Histories of Substance Use and Trauma
- Katherine Marino, History, Felicia Santizo, Anti-Imperialist Feminism, and the U.S. Military in Panama
- Lauren Ng, Psychology, Health service disparities among youth who have experienced sexual violence: The role of intersectional identities
- Hyun Suk Park, Asian Languages and Cultures, The Government Courtesan: Status, Gender, and Performance in Chosŏn Korea, 1392-1910
Faculty Research Grants
- Lorrie Frasure-Yokley, Political Science, Intersecting Identities Project (IIP)
- Kian Goh, Urban Planning, Resilience from Below: Community Visions of Just Urban Futures in Post-Hurricane Sandy New York City
- Liz Koslov, Urban Planning, Retreat: Moving to Higher Ground in a Climate-Changed City
- Norma Mendoza-Denton, Anthropology, Norteñas: Developing a graphic ethnography format for stories of Latina girls involved in gangs
Faculty Research Grants
- Erin Debenport, Anthropology, Voicing Secrets: The Language of Exposure in the Contemporary U.S.
- Molly Fox, Anthropology, Discrepancies between origin and host environments among pregnant Mexican-American women: implications for transgenerational health in a minority population
- Felicia Hodge, Nursing, An Exploration and Feasibility Assessment for the Study of the Health and Environment of Homeless Women
Faculty Research Grants
- Michelle Liu Carriger, Theater, Modes of ReDress: Fashion Controversy, Embodiment, and Performance
- Michelle Caswell, Information Studies, The Affective Impact of an LGBTQ Community Archives
- Gina Kim, Film, Television, and Digital Media, Bloodless
- Aliza Luft, Sociology, Shifting Stances: How French Bishops Defected from Vichy to Save Jews during the Holocaust
- Rachel Vaughn, Gender Studies, ‘Divieto dare da Mangiare’: Disposability, Anti-Migrant Angst & Policing the Edible in Italy
Faculty Seed Grant
- Jessica D. Gipson, Community Health Sciences, Examining Health and Well-Being among Nomadic Tibetan Women in Rural China
Junior Faculty Research Development Grant
- Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, Theater, Film, and Television, The Birth Control Handbook
Faculty Research Completion Grant
- Saloni Mathur, Art History, Reading Geeta Kapur: Art Criticism in India
Faculty Development Grant
- Grace Kyungwon Hong, Gender Studies, Asian American Studies, Research on Third World women and women of color activism at the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College
Faculty Development Grants
- Sarah Haley, Gender Studies, Engendering Carceral Expansion: Women, Gender, and the Los Angeles Imprisonment Crisis
- Sean Metzger, Performance Studies, School of Theater, Film, and Television, Island Way Stations: Site Specific Performance and Chinese Migration
- Andrea S. Goldman, History, The Frenchman and the Chinese Opera in the Late Qing Empire
Faculty Development Grants
- Abigail Saguy, Sociology, Coming Out: Reclaiming Stigma
- Linda J. Sax, Higher Education and Organizational Change Division, GSEIS, Trends in the Determinants of Gender Segregation Across STEM Majors
- Margaret Shih, Management and Organizations, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The Harmful Effects of Ambiguity on Team Performance
- Anurima Banerji, Worlds Arts and Cultures, Odissi Dance: Paratopic Performances of Gender, State, and Nation
Faculty Research Seed Grants
- Jessica Gipson, Community Health Sciences, Investigating Tibetan Women’s Pregnancy Care Preferences in Rural China: A Collaborative Pilot Study to Promote Safe Motherhood
- Susanna Hecht, Urban Planning/School of Public Affairs, Amazons in the Amazon: Elizabeth Agassiz, Emilie Snethlage, Odile Coudreau. The Hidden Histories, Feminisms and Institutional Trajectories of Three Amazonian Scholars
- Claire McEachern, English, The intellectual daughters of Sir Anthony Cooke, 1526-1609
Junior Faculty Research Development Grants
- Robert Chi, Asian Languages and Cultures, Stage Sisters: A Cross-Cultural View of Chinese Cinema
- Marissa Lopez, English, Making the Mexican Body: Ruiz de Burton’s Political Economy
- Sung-deuk Oak, Asian Languages and Cultures, American Missionaries and Nursing in Korea, 1895-1915
- Brooke Scelza, Anthropology, Female Social Support in Productive and Reproductive Domains Among the Himba of Northwest Namibia
Faculty Research Completion Grant
- Rebecca Emigh, Sociology, Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe
Faculty Research Seed Grants
- Aamir Mufti, Comparative Literature, Homes and Homelands: Gender and the Iconography of India’s Partition
- Hannah Landecker, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics, Epigenetics and the New Politics of Prenatal Nutrition and Maternal Care
- Margot Quinlan, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton During Oogenesis
- Christine Dunkel-Schetter, Psychology, Trial of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Intervention During Pregnancy
- Robin Derby, History, Boca del chivo: Rumors of Power and the Power of Rumor in the Caribbean
- Eric Avila, Chicano/a Studies and Urban Planning, Limited Access: the Gendered Politics of Highway Construction in Urban America
- Keith L. Camacho, Asian American Studies, Between Okinawa and the Marianas: Gender Power and the Right to Speak in the Post-9/11 Pacific
- Saskia Subramanian, Psychiatry and Medicine, Health Risks Associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy and Alternatives Available to Menopausal Women
Junior Faculty Research Development Grants
- Lucy Burns, Asian American Studies, Puro Arte: On the Filipino Performing Body
- Nina Sun Eidsheim, Musicology, Touched from Afar: Towards a Phenomenology of Voice as Becoming
- Michelle A. Johnson, Social Welfare, Neighborhoods, Networks, and Perinatal Health Disparities among Women of Mexican-Origin in Los Angeles: Implications for Intervention
- Jo-Ann Eastwood, School of Nursing, Estrogen Deficiency and Cardiovascular Disease in Premenopausal Women
- Katrina Daly Thompson, Applied Linguistics & TESL, The Popobawa’s Discursive Trajectories: A Critical Analysis of Sexuality and Gender in a Coastal Tanzania Urban Legend
Faculty Research Completion Grant
- Dawn M. Upchurch, School of Public Health, Midlife Women’s Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Self-Care, Menopausal Symptoms, and Health Conditions
Faculty Research Seed Grants
- Gil Hochberg, Comparative Literature, Queer Politics and the Question of Palestine
- Susanne Lohmann, Political Science, Men, Women, and Universal Higher Education
- Saloni Mathur, Art History, Ray Eames and India
- Mona Simpson, English, “The American Cousins” (a novel)
- Lois Takahashi, Urban Planning, Patriarchy/Matriarchy Versus Blood Quantum: Cultural Significance as Evidenced in Hawaii Land Commission Grants
- Victoria Vesna, Design/Media Arts, Science Games for Girls: NANO BIO_BODS
Junior Faculty Research Development Grants
- Andrea Goldman, History, The Staging of Urban Culture in Beijing, 1770-1900
- Kerri Johnson, Communication Studies, Studies on the Social and Contextual Circumstances that Prompt Changes in the Expression of Gendered Cues
- Miriam Laugesen, Health Services, The Politics of State Policies on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
- Kendra Willson, Scandinavian Section, Name Law and Gender in Iceland
Faculty Research Completion Grants
- Patricia Greenfield, Psychology, Social Change and Shifting Women’s Roles in a Maya Community
- Martie Haselton, Communication Studies & Psychology, Changes in Women’s Sexuality over the Menstrual Cycle: Examinations in Diverse Samples Spanning Geographic Regions and Variations in Sexual Orientation
- Rachel Lee, English & Women’s Studies, The Exquisite Corpse of Asian America
- Denise Mann, Film, TV and Digital Media, Gender and Marketing in the Post-network Era—An Ethnographic Analysis of the TV Workplace in the Age of Wikinomics
Faculty Research Seed Development Grants
- Patricia Greenfield, Psychology, The Impact of Urbanization on Zinacantec Maya Women and Girls: A Controlled Case Study in Historical Perspective
- Elizabeth LeGuin, Musicology, `Jácaras and Tonadillas: Female Musical Ruffians in Early Modern Spain
- Juliet Williams, Women’s Studies, Making a Difference: Narratives of Sex Difference in Single-Sex Education Debates
Junior Faculty Research Development Grants
- Yu Huang, Material Science and Engineering, Discover the Principles of Pathological Biomineralization
- Andrea Kasko, Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering, Synthetic Immunotherapeutic Agents to Target Cancer
- Mignon Moore, Sociology, Two Sides of the Same Coin: Shifting the (Racial) Lens in the Study of Lesbian Practice
- Carol Pavlish, Nursing, Community Perspectives on Human and People’s Rights, Justice, and Their Relationship to Gender-based Violence and Health in Post-Conflict Settings
- Theodore Robles, Psychology, Close Relationships and Physical Health: The Role of Gender in Biological Processes
Faculty Research Seed Grants
- Ellen DuBois, History, ‘Oriental Feminism’ on the Transnational Stage: Attempts at Self Definition in the Interwar Years
- Grace Kyungwon Hong, Gender Studies; Asian American Studies, The Ruptures of American Capital: Women Of Color Feminism And The Culture Of Immigrant Labor
- Abigail Saguy, Sociology, Defining the “Ideal” Body: News Reporting On Obesity and Eating Disorders In The United States And France
Junior Faculty Research Development Grants
- Christia Spears Brown, Psychology, The Experience of Being a Girl in a Man’s World: How Discouraging Comments and Sexual Harassment Shape Adolescent Girls’ Achievement, Aspirations, and Self-Concept
Faculty Research Completion Grants
- Maylei Blackwell, Chicano/a Studies and Urban Planning, Transnational Organizing: the Emergence and Work of Líderes Campesinas
- Martie G. Haselton, Communication Studies; Psychology, The Hidden Side of Female Desire: What Ovulatory Cycle Research Reveals