From the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives: Angela Brinskele

One of the treasures of the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives at…

Trying to Improve Gender Equity at the Harvard Business School?

CSW recommends this fascinating article, which appeared over…

Thinking Gender 2014: Deadline for Submissions is October 14, 2013

Thinking Gender, CSW's 24th Annual Graduate Student Research…

Report from the Field: William James and Feminism at the 2013 Summer Institute in American Philosophy

The 2013 Summer Institute in American Philosophy convened in…

Mysteries of the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives: Martha Foster Collection

One of the joys of working in an archive, for archivists and…

Mysteries of the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives: Martha Foster Collection

One of the joys of working in an archive, for archivists and…

From the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives: Daughters of Bilitis Records

The June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives at UCLA are exciting because…

From the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives: Daughters of Bilitis Records

The June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives at UCLA are exciting because…

Edge of the Map: An Experiment in Science and in Theater

It seemed extravagant to fly to Boston from Los Angeles just…

Edge of the Map: An Experiment in Science and in Theater

It seemed extravagant to fly to Boston from Los Angeles just…

From the June Mazer Lesbian Archives: Diane F. Germaine Papers

By collecting and preserving the documentation and materials…

In the Company of Women: Lifting the Curtain on a Closed Society in Wadjda

A defiant pair of Converse sneakers with bright, purple shoelaces…