2021–2022 Annual Report

The UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center (CSW|Streisand Center) is excited to announce the publication of our 2021–2022 Annual Report! The full report and the abridged, illustrated version are both available to download.

While the 2021–2022 academic year witnessed oppressive policies that criminalize gender expression and reproduction, the CSW|Streisand Center continued its dedication to a world in which education and scholarship are tools for social justice feminism, improving the lives of people of all genders. This year, the CSW|Streisand Center realized its mission through the launch of “Defending Self-Defense: A Call to Action by Survived & Punished,” the initiation of Just Research? Trans Futures in Health and Scientific Knowledge, and the discussion of “Transgender Studies at the Intersections” at Thinking Gender 2022.