This workshop will introduce participants to Empowerment Self-Defense training methodologies, a feminist, anti-racist, gender-inclusive approach to eradicating violence and fostering equality. Empowerment self-defense is based on the premise that, although only an aggressor is responsible for an assault, a defender has options when reacting to violence. ESD provides training for expanding these options. ESD focuses on critical risk assessment, boundary setting, how to recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships as well as on physical defense techniques.
The workshop will be led by Empowerment Self-Defense instructor Susan Schorn. Participants can be UCLA affiliates of any kind. Come prepared to move.
Susan Schorn is an author, martial artist, and empowerment self-defense instructor. She is the author of a memoir entitled Smile at Strangers: Life Lessons from the Art of Living Fearlessly. She writes a regular column for McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and is a contributor to popular feminist publications such as Jezebel and The Hairpin. She has also written about academic research on the effectiveness of feminist self-defense training.
Organized by: Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance
Cosponsored by: Center for the Study of Women, 7000 in Solidarity, Bruins for Consent, and UCLA Counseling Center