CSW is thrilled to announce that we are partnering with The OpEd Project to bring a special day-long seminar to UCLA!
Learn how to write, pitch, and publish op-eds; assert your expertise; and increase the range of voices and ideas that we hear from in our media.
“Write to Change the World” will bring emerging voices together for an interactive day of live experiments around expertise, credibility, ideas and impact. The seminar is designed to test assumptions about our individual knowledge, and what it takes to be influential on a large scale. We explore the source of credibility; the patterns and elements of persuasion; the difference between being “right” and being effective; how to preach beyond the choir; and how to think bigger about what you know—to have more impact in the world. Participants emerge with concrete results, including the outline for an op-ed. The seminar is open to everyone–scholars, students, entrepreneurs, activists, nonprofit leaders, executives, writers and righteous thinkers across the political spectrum. Participants leave with access to a network of high-level journalist-mentors for follow-up support. Curriculum parallels a portion of The OpEd Project’s year-long faculty fellowship program at leading institutions nationwide, including Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, The Ford Foundation and others.
Date: May 19, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: 2125 Rolfe Hall
Pre-registration required. Register online.
Scholarship spots may be available! Contact chelsea@theopedproject.org for more details.