Sex in the time of Zika: Reproductive Rights and Women’s Health in a World in Turmoil
A public lecture in honor of International Women’s Day
Françoise Girard is a longtime advocate and expert on women’s health, human rights, sexuality, and HIV and AIDS. Prior to becoming President of the IWHC, she served as Director of the Public Health Program at Open Society Foundations, where she was also a Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe and Haiti. From 1999 to 2003, she was Senior Program Officer for International Policy at IWHC, and thereafter a consultant for IWHC, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and DAWN, a network of women’s rights ac-tivists from the global South. She has played a key role in advocacy on reproductive health and women’s rights with UN agencies and at UN Conferences, and was the Chair of the Leadership Programme Com-mittee of the 2010 International AIDS Conference. Françoise Girard serves on the Civil Society External Advisory Panel of the UN Popula-tion Fund, and on the Advisory Committee of the Health and Human Rights Division of Human Rights Watch.
RSVP: Sanderson@international.ucla.edu
Cosponsored by: International Institute, Center for World Health, Luskin School of Public Affairs, Iris Cantor/UCLA Women’s Health Center, International and Comparative Law Program/School of Law, and UCLA Center for the Study of Women