Working Group

Join the Chemical Entanglements Faculty and Graduate Student Working Group

We invite Faculty and Graduate Students from UCLA and other local institutions to participate in the Chemical Entanglements Working Group. Working group members come from across UCLA and beyond; they represent disciplines including Anthropology, English, Environmental Health Sciences, Gender Studies, Information Studies, Law, Public Health, Sociology, and others. The diverse makeup of the working group enables us to work across disciplines on issues related to gender and exposure.

The Working Group meets on a quarterly basis to discuss and implement projects and initiatives related to the ongoing goals of Chemical Entanglements. Recent meetings have included discussions of pedagogy and student engagement, symposium and event planning, and ways of implementing safe chemical policies at UCLA.

We welcome new members. If you would like to join the Chemical Entanglements Working Group, please email for more information.

Working Group Resources and Bibliography

Among the goals of the working group is to gather, create, and disseminate teaching and research resources on issues related to gender and exposure. To that end, the group has begun compiling a a bibliography of key texts and resources related to this project. This is a living document, and we welcome suggestions and feedback.

Download the Chemical Entanglements Working Group Bibliography

Current Working Group Members

Teniope Adewumi-Gunn, Environmental Health Sciences

Patrick Allard, Environmental Health Sciences and Institute for Society and Genetics

Alexandra Apolloni, CSW Staff

Kali Basman, Environmental Health Sciences

Gracen Brilmyer, Information Studies and CSW

Jessica Cattelino, Anthropology, Gender Studies and CSW

Jon Christensen, Center for Digital Humanities, History, and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Rachel Connolly, Environmental Health Sciences and CSW

Marcus Tran Degnan, Asian American Studies

Linda Delp, UCLA Labor Occupational Health and Safety Program, School of Public Health

Ingrid Feeney, UC Santa Barbara – Sociocultural Anthropology

Camille Frazier, Anthropology

John Radford Froines, Environmental Health Sciences

Hilary Godwin, Environmental Health Sciences and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Patricia Adair Gowaty, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Ursula K. Heise, English and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Brandon Hupka, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Sasha Karapetrova, Freeradicals Blog, Northwestern University

Hannah Landecker, Institute for Society and Genetics, Sociology

Rachel C. Lee, CSW, Institute for Society and Genetics, Gender Studies, English

Whitney Li, Public Health

Timothy Malloy, Law, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Environmental Health Sciences

Clair Martin, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Kristina Nyden, CSW Staff

Janet Pregler, Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center

Angela R. Riley, Law

Beate Ritz, Epidemiology, Center of Occupational and Environmental Health

Mayra Sanchez, UC Davis – Geography

Christy Spackman, Science, Technology, and Society, Harvey Mudd College

Sarah Tracy, CSW and Institute for Society and Genetics

Rachel Vaughn, CSW and Gender Studies

Jen Wade, Marymount California University, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Nancy L. Wayne, Physiology, UCLA School of Medicine