Survivors + Allies

Survivors + Allies (S+A) is a UCLA student organization that advocates for and with survivors of sexual violence in the University of California system. They elevate student concerns to the UCs to improve existing resources, services, and communications available to survivors, as well as to advocate for improved UC-wide policies and funding for additional support to survivors.

To accomplish these goals the group pursues a three-pronged strategy centered around research with survivors, communications about resources for survivors and to educate our broader community, and activism to change and/or update UC policies and funding allocation.

Research Briefs

Survivors + Allies is using our research study of survivors across all 10 UC campuses to produce short research briefs on important topics we identified in our data. Briefs might highlight unique needs of certain student groups, such as International students, or the importance of certain practices, such as trauma-informed training. These briefs were produced in collaboration with Survivors + Allies members.

Current Briefs


From Surviving to Healing: Results and Demands from a Study with Survivors of Sexual Violence on University of California Campuses

Survivors + Allies is a student organization that advocates for, and with, survivors of sexual violence across the UC campuses. The report “From Surviving to Healing: Results and Demands from a Study with Survivors of Sexual Violence on University of California Campuses” was born out of a collective frustration at the UC system’s reticence to make basic changes that would better support student survivors.

Their study findings empirically demonstrate what many survivors already know: resources at the UCs for survivors of sexual violence are inadequate, underfunded, and focused on punishing perpetrators while neglecting to provide adequate healing options for survivors. Marginalized students, including international, students of color, and LGBTQIA+ students, are left behind. Mental health resources are undermined in favor of investigative processes.

Data Resources

In 2020 S+A members began collaborating with students, faculty, and staff across UC campuses to launch a project that focused on students’ awareness, utilization, and evaluation of on- and off-campus resources for survivors of sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH). SVSH in higher education disproportionately impacts women and LGBTQ+ students, while students of color face more severe consequences as a result of experiencing SVSH.1 As a result of these meetings, S+A decided to distribute a survey to organizations and departments across the 10 UC campuses.

The survey asked about students’ awareness of campus-based resources for SVSH, perceptions of mandatory Title IX training, and survivors’ evaluation of campus-based resources they accessed including Title IX and UC Police Departments (UCPD).

Get Involved

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Survivors Allies Brief