The UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Streisand Center conducts and supports research on gender, sexuality, and women’s issues. The center provides funding for both faculty and student research. To build and maintain an intellectual community across disciplines on campus, the center works closely with faculty to develop and support working groups, workshops, and other opportunities for collaboration.
Related Resources
Current Research
Gender and Water
The project on “Gender and Everyday Water Use in Los Angeles Households” investigates the important but understudied role of gender—as it intersects with race and class—in residential water use in Los Angeles.
Feminist Anti-Carceral Studies
Policing and incarceration are major concerns in social justice feminist scholarship. This initiative advances an abolitionist approach to gendered and racialized regimes of incarceration and policing.
Sexual Violence and Intersectionality3>
This research proposes intersectional, abolitionist interventions in sexual assault policy at the level of university campuses and beyond.
Black Feminism Initiative
The Black Feminism Initiative (BFI) supports interdisciplinary research and social engagements that are grounded in Black feminist and Black queer frameworks of analysis. This research challenges state and interpersonal violence and engages everyday forms of refusal, Black feminist assembly, and collective organizing practice.
Trans Futures in Health and Scientific Knowledge
The Trans Futures project consists of a team of community organizers, university faculty, and students in California working at the intersections of gender, racial, economic, and disability justice. Their goal is to increase access to public research university resources for transgender, two-spirit, gender-expansive, and intersex communities (TGI).
Transnational Gender and Labor Working Group
The Transnational Gender and Labor Working Group brings together researchers who are pushing the boundaries of how we conceptualize work and labor. The working group considers gender and its connections with race, class, family, sexuality, migration, citizenship, and geopolitics, its impact on the jobs and opportunities people get, and the way labor is recognized and valued.