Organized by the Department of African American Studies and the Collaboratory for Black Feminist Health and Healing
Date: Monday, October 24, 2022
Time: 3:00-5:00 PM
Location: Hershey Hall Grand Salon Rm. 158 and Online/Zoom
Natali Valdez, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Purdue University, will be speaking about her recent book: Weighing the Future: Race, Science, and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era, (University of California Press, 2022). Valdez is a medical anthropologist and science and technology scholar who studies how race, gender, and power are enveloped into scientific knowledge production. She draws from Black feminism and postcolonial feminist science studies to critically examine epigenetic and postgenomic conceptions of ‘the environment’ in biosocial reproduction. This book is the first ethnography of ongoing pregnancy trials in the United States and United Kingdom.