When: May 1-6, 2023
Where: Various Locations
Coming to You (2021) is coming to Southern California in May 2023! It is a powerful, groundbreaking documentary film about two women confronting bigotry and redefining their relationship with their queer and transgender (adult) children, made by a filmmaker working with the acclaimed queer feminist film collective, PINKS (연분홍치마). The film thoughtfully presents the work of PFLAG Korea (성소수자 부모모임 Parents and Families of LGBTAIQ People in Korea), a critical part of LGBTQ activism in South Korea and beyond.
Coming to You has fostered critical conversations through international film festivals and community screenings in South Korea, though it has not yet been widely screened in the U.S. The film makes an important contribution to equity, diversity, and social justice, and it will resonate with queer and trans youth, families and allies, students, activists, and community builders and advocates throughout Southern California. For more information, see:
- “I love as you are,” a short video from 2016 Korea Queer Culture Festival.
- “A letter from a Korean mother to all the mothers with LGBT children” (2017)
- “Parents fight for their LGBTQ children’s rights” (2020)
Screening and panel discussion with director Byun Gyu-ri
and cast members Jeong Eun-ae (Nabi) and Kang Sun-hwa (Vivian) in person
All screenings are free and open to the public.
Monday, May 1
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
5pm McCormick Screening Room, UC Irvine
Tuesday, May 2
California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
4pm University Library 25
Wednesday, May 3
Pasadena City College
5pm R102
Friday, May 5
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
5pm James Bridges Theater, Melnitz Hall, UCLA
Saturday, May 6
Los Angeles community screening + panel discussion
1-4pm NAVEL 1611 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles
RSVP requested.
For more information, please contact feministpoliticskorea@gmail.com.
Co-presented with GYOPO, KYCC Koreatown Storytelling Program, San Gabriel Valley API PFLAG, and the UCLA community.