Beauty Bites Beast: The Missing Conversation About Ending Violence
Organized by the Department of World Arts and Culture/Dance
Featuring Director Ellen Snortland
Date: October 24, 2018
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: 208 Kaufman Hall
Beauty Bites Beast is a documentary film that tracks women’s empowerment self-defense training in three national locations, the US, Mexico, and Israel. The film treats violence against women as a tool of social control and examines the ways in which women have been systematically denied the right to self-defense and the skills to exercise that right. The film investigates the process through which gender is lived and embodied and how this embodiment can shift through physical practice. It is also dedicated to altering the social structures through which women and non-binary people are oppressed by advocating for options for women who face violence and harassment.