Zama Dube
Faculty-Graduate Working Group Coordinator
Zama Dube is a third year PhD student in the department of Cinema and Media Studies. Drawing from her experiential knowledge as a media practitioner in the South African broadcasting industry, Zama’s theoretical lens is informed by African feminist thinking, Decolonial Studies and Black Visual Cultures. Zama’s research interests seek to contribute to a legacy within visual cultures, that has often been preoccupied with interrogating notions of the spectacle, politics of representation and the possibility of a Black feminist gaze. More specifically, her research interests are preoccupied with making sense of the subversive media practices of Black women media-makers of the African diaspora. It does this by centering Black feminisms as a generative theoretical tool and epistemology for envisioning a radical, decolonial and a fundamentally liberatory Black visual aesthetic. In addition, Zama has been invited as a member to the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society for the UCLA Chapter. She is also the recipient of the Teshome Gabriel Memorial Award, the Mariame Kaba Graduate Fellowship in Black Feminist Research and a recipient of the Irma Polaski Award.