Thinking Gender 2018: Session Details
Thursday, March 1, 2018
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Faculty Center, California Room
12:30 – 1:30 PM
Faculty Center, California Room
Drew Westmoreland, Epidemiology, UCLA
Thinking Gender 2018 Coordinator
Lucas Cone, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA and Olivia Oturai, Public Health, University of Copenhagen
(Re)thinking Gender in SRHR Education: A Case Study from Kenya
Alida Duncan, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and Sociology, UC Davis
Formal and Informal Points of Access to Transition Resources in the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Communities
Sarah Jane Muder, Science, Technology, and Society, Vassar College
Maternal Rebellion against Paternalistic Gender Norms: The Anti Vaccination Movement as a Case Study
Cristina Hunter, Community Health Sciences, UCLA, Emily Bell, Community Health Sciences, UCLA, Trista Benitez, Community Health Sciences, UCLA, and Carey Walovich, Community Health Sciences, UCLA
Access to Lactation Rooms on the UCLA Campus: A Mixed-Methods Study of Mothers’ Experiences
Juliana Restivo, Global Health, Boston University
“Where are all the women?” – Potential Case Detection Barriers for Women with Schizophrenia in Rural Ethiopia
Artemisia Valeri, Community Health Sciences, UCLA
He said, She feels: Gendered Differences in College Students’ Expressions of Mental Health Terminology
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Panel 1: Sexual Health and Reproductive Justice
Faculty Center, California Room
Moderator: Pamina Gorbach, Epidemiology and Division of Infectious Diseases, UCLA
Lucrecia Mena Meléndez, Sociology, UCLA
The Impact of Women’s Education on Fertility in Latin America: Evidence from Guatemala, Colombia, and Bolivia
Sofia Pedroza, Sociology, UC Irvine
Abortion and Professionalized Morality
Randi Saunders, Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
Who Defines Normal? How Social Relationships Shape College Women’s Knowledge and Attitudes Towards STI Testing
William Schlesinger, Anthropology, UCLA
Racializing Risk Compensation in the Discourse on Pre-exposure Prophylaxis to HIV
3:15 – 4:45 PM
Faculty Center, California Room
Rachel C. Lee, Director, Center for the Study of Women
Terri Conley, Psychology, University of Michigan
Anticipated Pleasures and Sexual Double Standards: Explaining Gender Differences in Reaction to Real and Hypothetical Sexual Offers
5:00 – 5:30 PM
The UCLA Art and Global Health Center will lead a group walk from the Faculty Center to Kerckhoff Hall. Join us as we transition to the Visual Arts Reception by making art together!
Attendees will meet in front of the Faculty Center after the Keynote Address.
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Kerckhoff Grand Salon and Art Gallery
Victoria Vesna, Department of Design Media Arts; Director, UCLA Art|Sci Center
Arielle Bagood, Asian American Studies, UCLA
Queer Filipino American Students and Mental Health?
Jackie Curnick, Sustainable Development, University of Florida
Pulling Teeth from a Polar Bear
**The Art Exhibition will be on view and open to the public in the Kerckhoff Art Gallery from February 26 – March 2.**
Kerckhoff Art Gallery
Christina Curlee, Design Media Arts, UCLA
Sarah Fahmy, Theatre and Dance, University of Colorado, Boulder
Cecily Fergeson, Sam Fox School of Visual Art and Design, Washington University in St. Louis
Yellow Knee: Venus, Cast-off; and Hang Navel
Uyen Hoang, Asian American Studies and Community Health Sciences, UCLA
poster child, data entry, and statistics
Elí Joteva, Design Media Arts, UCLA
inter I
Kit Kirby, Design Media Arts, UCLA
The Chameleon Spacesuit: Autism in Women and Girls
Kristin McWharter, Design Media Arts, UCLA
Taylor Yocum, Art, Washington University in St. Louis
Friday, March 2, 2018
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Faculty Center, California Room
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Faculty Center, California Room
Zabie Yamasaki, UCLA Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE) Program
Trauma-Focused Yoga
10:15 – 11:45 AM
Panel 2: Gendered Violence
**Sign language interpretation will be provided for this panel**
Faculty Center, Hacienda Room
Moderator: Sherene Razack, Gender Studies, UCLA
Karime Parodi, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA
Bias Against Women Victims of Sexual Assault: A comparative analysis of shared approaches in the Chilean Judiciary and Hispanic-American Literature
Sheila Maingi, Development Practice, University of Florida
Voice and Agency: Strengthening Efforts Against Gender Based Violence through Entrepreneurship Training in South Africa
Michelle Velasquez-Potts, Rhetoric, Gender, and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley
“Gtmo is Killing Me”: Hunger Striking and the Medicalized Punishment of Force-Feeding
Panel 3: Access and Practice
Faculty Center, Sierra Room
Moderator: Ninez Ponce, Health Policy and Management, UCLA
Nihal Kayali, Sociology, UCLA
Parallel Providers: Syrian Women’s Navigation of State and Refugee-run Healthcare in Turkey
Sarah Soakai, Urban Planning, UCLA
Zip Codes Matter and the Rural-Urban Divide: Toward a Holistic Conceptualization of Health and Wellness
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Panel 4: Oppressive Healthy Images
Faculty Center, Hacienda Room
Moderator: Sarah Tracy, Center for the Study of Women and Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA
Alina Arseniev-Koehler, Sociology, UCLA
Reading “Fat”, Thinking “Unhealthy”—and Other Schemata Activated by Obesity News
Cecily Fergeson, Sam Fox School of Visual Art and Design, Washington University in St. Louis
Diagnosing “Otherness”: The Mirror of the Uncanny in the Interpersonal-Diagnostic Gaze
Sav Schlauderaff, Women’s Studies, San Diego State University
The Future is Hyper-Normative: An analysis of bodymind representations in 23andMe’s commercials
Roxanna Villalobos, Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
THE (UN)FIT MOM: From An Unruly Body to the (Re)Production of Racial Fatness
Panel 5: Sex and Sexuality
**Sign language interpretation will be provided for this panel**
Faculty Center, Sierra Room
Moderator: Ian Holloway, Social Welfare, UCLA
Sid Jordan, Social Welfare, UCLA
Trans-ing Metrics: Lessons from the Los Angeles Transmasculine Sexual Health and Reproductive Justice Survey
Evan Krueger, Community Health Sciences and Social Welfare, UCLA
Gender differences in sexual self-identification and associated mental health implications
Madeleine Pape, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Every Cell Has a Sex”: The Politics of Difference in Biomedical Research Policy
2:45 – 3:45 PM
Faculty Center, California Room
Angela Kim, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and American Studies, UC Davis
Blepharoplasty as Domestication of the Asian: Constructing Korean Identities by White Hands
Josephine Kipgen, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Kansas
Sex-Selective Abortion in India: Causes, Consequences, and Implications for Reproductive Health
J Shim, Sociology, UCLA
Token Fatigue: Stress of Discrimination in Women of Color
Erikka Thorpe, Women’s Studies, San Diego State University
Black Women Decolonizing: A Radical Pedagogical Framework for Community Praxis – Health (Nutrition and Food Justice)
Linda Diem Tran, Health Policy and Management, UCLA
Behavioral Health Treatment Patterns among Employer-Insured Adults in Same- and Different-Gender Marriages and Domestic Partnerships
Jessica Yano, Biology, UCLA
The Impact of Biological Sex on Sleep Regulation
4:00 – 5:30
Panel 6: Activism, Art, and Advocacy
Faculty Center, Hacienda Room
Moderator: David Gere, World Arts and Cultures, UCLA
Amy E. Alterman, World Arts and Cultures/Dance and Community Health Sciences, UCLA
Feel the Vagic: How the Lady Parts Justice League Advocates for Abortion Access through the Vagical Mystery Tour Comedy Show
Chloe Bell-Wilson, History, CSU Long Beach
Disrupting Medical Dictatorship: How Anti-Cancer Campaigners Challenged Patriarchal Medicine, 1953-1975
Johanna Kirk, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA
Prenatal Dance for Wellness: Moving Beyond “Fitness” into Pleasure
Panel 7: Affective Labor and Mental Health
**Sign language interpretation will be provided for this panel**
Faculty Center, Sierra Room
Moderator: Juliann Anesi, Gender Studies, UCLA
Michelle Gomez Parra, Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
“When I Left, I Felt Like I Betrayed Them”: How College Education Impacts the Well-Being of Working-Class Latinas
Brittnee Meitzenheimer, Higher Education and Organizational Change, UCLA
Mammies, Nannies and Maids: Conceptualizing Emotion Labor in Higher Education
Diyana Sastrawati, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
Depression and the Pleasures of World-Making through Performance Poetry in Singapore
Amber Muller, Performance Studies, UC Davis
Roughnecking – Money, Manhood, and Mental Health Crisis in Alberta’s Petroleum Economy