Activist in Residence AIR

Apply to the Activist-in-Residence (AIR) Program

The UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center (CSW|Streisand Center) looks forward to welcoming our inaugural UCLA Activist-in-Residence. The residency provides activists with university resources to undertake a self-directed project intended to expand and build the movements and projects with which they are involved and to build and deepen ties with the UCLA community.

About the Program

The CSW|Streisand Center activist will work on a project that directly addresses issues pertaining to gender and sexuality from a social justice feminist perspective. Preference will be given to activists whose work intersects in a broad sense with one of CSW|Streisand Center’s current priority topics: prison abolition, reproductive justice, transgender rights and advocacy, Black feminism, and environmental justice. However, we welcome applications on other topics as well. The selected activist will be welcome to contribute to CSW|Streisand Center activities including seminars, workshops, ongoing projects, and team social events.

Please direct questions regarding eligibility or application procedure to Katja Antoine/UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center (


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