Survivors + Allies 2024 Summer Fellowship Application

Apply for Survivors + Allies’ Summer Fellowship! This summer will be focused on coalition building, education, and policy work.

Applicants do not need to be an S+A member to apply for the fellowship.

If you’re not familiar with Survivors + Allies, their research report with recommendations, and demands for the UCs to better support survivors is here.


The (entirely remote) summer fellowship will run roughly from July 1 through August 31, 2024, depending on Fellows’ schedules. Expected workload is 10 hours per week. Each Fellow will receive around $1500-2000, we will finalize this by the time application decisions are made. Each team will decide their own hours and how they want to work together; the full Fellows team will communicate over email and do bi-weekly checkins to share updates. The UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Streisand Center is generously funding fellowships and will work with Fellows to disburse stipends; please note that this process can sometimes take a few months!

Position descriptions:

Legal/ policy development team: Identifying previous legislation that is relevant to our work/ we could build off; Identifying gaps in previous legislation where our research shows changes are needed; Drafting list of legislative priorities (based on gaps and our research) that Mobilization Team can use when reaching out to new orgs for the coalition and the Research Comms team can use to create policy and educational briefs; Examining what legislation can do vis-a-vis the UCs/ Cal States that have more autonomy; working with Policy Advisor to begin drafting legislation that we could show to nonprofits, policymakers, and student orgs in the fall.

Mobilization team: Meeting with nonprofit and community organizations in California to build relationships/ identify synergies; Identifying a “champion” nonprofit advocacy organization with experience doing policy work; Meeting with CARE offices to build relationships; Creating list of relevant student organizations on California university campuses that we can reach out to in the fall; Reaching out to faculty and centers of research who are interested in supporting our work.

Research Communications team: (1) Create policy briefs (in collaboration with Legal/ Policy Development team) that could support our research-backed arguments related to legislation, and trying to garner support from policymakers in the fall. For example, one of our policy priorities might be to mandate trauma-informed trainings for UCPD, and the Policy brief team would create a 2-page brief on this topic based on our and other researchers’ data aimed at policymakers. (2) In addition, create educational briefs aimed at other survivor advocacy and community-based organizations that can help raise awareness about our findings to support other advocacy groups’ work (including posts for social media, if time). Coordinate with CSW| Streisand Center to put research and educational briefs on website.

Policy Advisor (not a Fellow, paid on hourly basis up to $800 over the 2 months): Oversee policy strategy; help identify legislation; connect team with relevant orgs/ policy strategists; help draft example legislation.

General Advisor (not a Fellow, paid on hourly basis up to $800 over the 2 months): Help to coordinate fellowship, provide strategic direction, maintain S+A knowledge and resources, support with onboarding new Fellows, communications with existing members, etc.

Apply here.